
An example of using LSTM network for generating Algebraic Expressions

This project is maintained by jchen114

LSTM Algebraic Expressions Generator

A demonstration of using an LSTM network to generate syntactically correct Algebraic sequences. This demonstration hopes to showcase the ability of using LSTM networks to discover dependencies within a sequence and act accordingly.


The sequence follows these set of rules:

  1. An Expression (E) can transition into a terminal character (I); E -> I
  2. An Expression (E) can transition into a multiplicative expression; E -> M * M
  3. An Expression (E) can transition into an additive expression; E -> E + E
  4. A Multiplicative expression M can transition into a terminal character (I); M -> I
  5. A Multiplicative expression M can transition into another multiplicative expression; M -> M * M
  6. A Multiplicative expression M can transition into a parenthetical additive expression M -> ( E + E )

Using these sets of rules, we can generate sequences like: I + I * (I + I * (I + I)) + I * (I + I) + I


It is the goal of the network such that when given a seed it should continue to generate a syntactically correct sequence by recursively feeding the new sequence back into itself until it hits an end character, namely the ‘\n’. For example, on a seed of [(, (, (] it should generate a sequence that closes these parenthesis.


I use a two layer LSTM network with 128 hidden units each. There are 6 classes: ‘I’, ‘+’, ‘*’, ‘(‘, ‘)’, ‘\n’. The network is trained using a softmax output with categorical cross entropy loss. The network is asked to predict on every label during training. I found that this results in faster convergence. Sequences are presented in batches of 15 time sequences. Each time sequence entry has 1 feature.

Here are some test cases.

Seed: ‘(‘

Produces: ` [’(‘, ‘I’, ‘*’, ‘I’, ‘*’, ‘(‘, ‘I’, ‘+’, ‘(‘, ‘I’, ‘*’, ‘I’, ‘+’, ‘I’, ‘)’, ‘*’, ‘I’, ‘+’, ‘I’, ‘+’, ‘I’, ‘)’, ‘*’, ‘I’, ‘*’, ‘I’, ‘*’, ‘(‘, ‘I’, ‘+’, ‘I’, ‘*’, ‘(‘, ‘I’, ‘+’, ‘I’, ‘*’, ‘I’, ‘)’, ‘+’, ‘I’, ‘+’, ‘I’, ‘+’, ‘I’, ‘+’, ‘I’, ‘*’, ‘I’, ‘*’, ‘I’, ‘)’, ‘*’, ‘I’, ‘*’, ‘I’, ‘*’, ‘I’, ‘)’, ‘*’, ‘I’, ‘*’, ‘I’, ‘\n’] `

The paranthesis are balanced and accounted for.

Seed: ‘(‘, ‘(‘, ‘(‘

Produces: ` [’(‘, ‘(‘, ‘(‘, ‘I’, ‘+’, ‘I’, ‘+’, ‘I’, ‘*’, ‘I’, ‘)’, ‘*’, ‘I’, ‘+’, ‘I’, ‘*’, ‘I’, ‘)’, ‘*’, ‘I’, ‘+’, ‘I’, ‘)’, ‘*’, ‘I’, ‘*’, ‘I’, ‘*’, ‘I’, ‘*’, ‘(‘, ‘(‘, ‘I’, ‘+’, ‘I’, ‘)’, ‘*’, ‘I’, ‘*’, ‘I’, ‘+’, ‘(‘, ‘(‘, ‘I’, ‘+’, ‘I’, ‘*’, ‘(‘, ‘I’, ‘+’, ‘I’, ‘)’, ‘*’, ‘I’, ‘+’, ‘I’, ‘*’, ‘I’, ‘*’, ‘(‘, ‘(‘, ‘I’, ‘+’, ‘I’, ‘+’, ‘I’, ‘+’, ‘I’, ‘)’, ‘*’, ‘(‘, ‘(‘, ‘I’, ‘+’, ‘I’, ‘)’, ‘*’, ‘I’, ‘+’, ‘I’, ‘)’, ‘*’, ‘I’, ‘*’, ‘I’, ‘+’, ‘I’, ‘)’, ‘+’, ‘I’, ‘*’, ‘I’, ‘)’, ‘*’, ‘I’, ‘+’, ‘I’, ‘*’, ‘I’, ‘*’, ‘(‘, ‘I’, ‘+’, ‘I’, ‘*’, ‘I’, ‘+’, ‘I’, ‘*’, ‘I’, ‘+’, ‘I’, ‘)’, ‘)’, ‘*’, ‘(‘, ‘I’, ‘*’, ‘I’, ‘*’, ‘I’, ‘*’, ‘I’, ‘*’, ‘(‘, ‘I’, ‘+’, ‘I’, ‘)’, ‘+’, ‘I’, ‘+’, ‘I’, ‘+’, ‘I’, ‘*’, ‘(‘, ‘I’, ‘+’, ‘I’, ‘+’, ‘I’, ‘+’, ‘I’, ‘*’, ‘(‘, ‘I’, ‘*’, ‘I’, ‘*’, ‘I’, ‘*’, ‘(‘, ‘I’, ‘+’, ‘I’, ‘)’, ‘*’, ‘I’, ‘+’, ‘I’, ‘)’, ‘+’, ‘I’, ‘*’, ‘I’, ‘)’, ‘)’, ‘*’, ‘(‘, ‘I’, ‘*’, ‘I’, ‘+’, ‘(‘, ‘I’, ‘+’, ‘I’, ‘*’, ‘I’, ‘+’, ‘I’, ‘)’, ‘*’, ‘I’, ‘+’, ‘I’, ‘)’, ‘+’, ‘I’, ‘*’, ‘I’, ‘)’, ‘*’, ‘(‘, ‘I’, ‘+’, ‘I’, ‘*’, ‘(‘, ‘I’, ‘+’, ‘I’, ‘+’, ‘I’, ‘)’, ‘)’, ‘*’, ‘I’, ‘*’, ‘I’, ‘*’, ‘I’, ‘\n’]`