Welcome to my Github IO site.
Here, I list the projects that I have completed or are in progress.
- OpenAI Gym - A place where I implement various RL algorithms to solve OpenAI environments. Keywords: Reinforcement Learning, Machine Learning, Deep Networks
- LSTM Algebraic Generator - An example using LSTM networks to generate valid Algebraic sequences that have time dependencies. Keywords: Sequence Generation, LSTM Networks, Deep Learning, Machine Learning
- Fire Hydrant Survival Game - A 2D arcade style game made in Unity where you are a fire hydrant and you have to keep dogs away squirting them with water. Keywords: Unity, C#, Game development
- WEB SIMBICON - An online implementation using Ammo.js with THREE.js of SIMBICON which is a framework for producing bipedal gaits. Editable parameters to make different gaits! Keywords: Physics, Javascript, Controllers
- Master’s Thesis - My Master’s Thesis project. I predict slope and ground compliance that a bipedal character is traversing across using multilayer LSTM Networks! Keywords: Deep Learning, LSTM Networks, Bullet Physics, OpenGL, C++, Python
- Koolhaus Interview Question - An interview question that I completed and received from Koolhaus games. Keywords: C++, OOP, Vector math
- Silver Dice Interview Question - An interview question that I completed and received from Silver Dice games. Keywords: Unreal Engine 4, Blueprints, VR